USC Clinical Trials Office

Serving patients, researchers and sponsors by expediting clinical trials for novel and promising therapies

Clinical Trials Budgeting – Getting our Costs

June 6, 2016

By Bobby Gatson The budget specialists in the Clinical Trials Office negotiate budgets with industry sponsors and ensure all anticipated and actual costs of the trial are covered. The budget specialists in the CTO function as an extension of your team. Our goal is to provide you with a finalized budget that meets your needs […]

DocuSign Electronic Signatures Now Accepted by DCG and CTO

June 6, 2016

By Sara Katrdzhyan To improve processing and study start-up timelines for all research contracting, the DCG and CTO have adopted DocuSign as our electronic signature system. DocuSign is a market leader in e-signature systems. After surveying our sponsors and academic partners, many are using or accept DocuSign as an alternative to their traditional execution process. […]

Research Order Forms – A Promissory Note to Pay….What Does this Mean?

June 6, 2016

By Cynthia Morales and Nora Turrey When completed, the Research Order Form (ROF) serves as a clinical order and defines which services are billable and payable by the research study (i.e. the Sponsor). Providers will access the ROF in the medical record and bill all charges indicated on the ROF to research. Billing the Sponsor […]

Intellectual Property Terms in Research Agreements

June 6, 2016

By Melissa Archer Negotiating a clinical trial agreement can seem like a daunting task, but the Clinical Trials Office has a dedicated team to represent and usher you through the process. Our goal is to ensure that faculty at USC has access to cutting edge therapeutics and external financial support to conduct innovative research that […]


March 31, 2016

New CTO Director – Melissa Archer, J.D.

February 8, 2016

After a nationwide search, the Keck School of Medicine of USC is excited to announce Melissa Archer, J.D., as the new Director of the USC Clinical Trials Office. Read more